Tajweed with Hifdh or Memorise

Tajweed with Hifdh or memorise (Level 1)


  • Recitation Style: Hafs
  • This course will not only help students to learn basic rules of Tajweed, but will also train how to implement these rules during recitation. Teacher will focus on theory as well as practice (Tilawah). Each rule will be explained with detail examples from the Quran.
  • Memorize Juz Amma. 
  • The aim of this course is to build the foundation of Tajweed among students, improve their Makhaarij and to make them understand the different concepts, methods and rules of beginner’s level Tajweed for improved recitation style.
  • Successful completion of this course will make the student realize the importance of the Tajweed rules, fix their pronunciation and improve their reading skills.


  • To join this course, student must be able to read Qur’an fluently
  • Student is required to attend lessons on time and cooperate with the teacher. In case of children, parents are required to motivate and monitor the attitude, alertness and the behavior of student during lesson
  • Student is required to submit regular feedback to the academy about the course as well as teacher.

Course Features

  1. Quran seicnce and introduction about Tajweed. 
  2. Mistakes in Tajweed. ( Lahn Khafi / Lahn Jali ). 
  3. Istaza and Basmallah. 
  4. Articulation point of letters.
  5. Seffat.

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